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학술지 검색

홈으로 학술지 학술지 검색

pISSN: 2093-6095

성인계속교육연구, Vol.11 no.4 (2020)

DOI : 10.20512/kjace.2020.11.4.1

- 성인학습자의 후진학 계속교육 만족도와 참여의사에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 – 직무관련특성 및 교육환경특성을 중심으로- -


(국가평생교육진흥 원 연구원)

This study is to examine various factors affecting satisfaction of adult learners with college later and continuing education and intention to engage. Accordingly, the study practically examined the influence of job-related factors and educational environment factors as well as the relationship between satisfaction with college later and continuing education and intention to engage. The results of the study are as followings. First, it was found that two variables of average monthly income' and 'provision of in-house education' among corporate characteristic factors of job-related factor had statistically significant and positive effect on college later and continuing education. Second, it was found that two variables of 'contribution of capacity improvement' and 'company support' among educational training factors of job-related factor had significant and positive effect on the satisfaction of college later and continuing education. In addition, 'employment type factor' among corporate characteristic factors of job-related factor was found to be an antecedents that showed significant effect on the intention to engage college later. Third, it was found that 'educational hours' among educational environment factors had negative effect on the satisfaction of college later and continuing education and 'attendance weight of classes' had a positive effect. No variables that had significant effect on intention to engage education among educational environment factors were found. Fourth, the satisfaction of adult learners with college later and continuing education had statistically significant and negative effect on intention to engage.
  성인학습자,후진학 계속교육,만족도,참여의사,직무관련특성,교육환경특성

A study on factors affecting satisfaction of adult learners with college later and continuing education and intention to engage - Focused on job-related characteristics and educational environment characteristics -

Hyun-Yong, Ahn

본 연구는 성인학습자의 후진학 계속교육 만족도와 참여의사에 영향을 미치는 다 양한 요인들을 고찰하고자 하였다. 이에 직무관련요인 및 교육환경요인의 영향력을 실질적으로 살펴보고자 하였으며, 후진학 계속학습에 대한 만족도와 참여의사 간의 관계 역시 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, 직무관련요인의 기업특성요인 중 ‘월 평균 소득’ 및 ‘사내교육제공여부’ 2가지 변인이 후진학 계속교육 만족도에 통계적으로 유의한 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 직무관련요인의 교 육훈련요인 중 ‘능력향상기여’, ‘회사지원’ 2가지 변인이 후진학 계속교육 만족 도에 유의한 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 직무관련요인의 기업특성요 인 중 ‘고용형태요인’이 후진학 참여의사에 유의하게 영향을 미치는 선행변인임이 밝혀졌다. 셋째, 교육환경요인 중 ‘교육운영시간’은 후진학 계속교육 만족도에 부 적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, ‘출석수업비중’은 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 교육환경요인 중 교육참여의사에 유의한 영향을 미치는 변인은 발견되지 않았다. 넷째, 마지막으로 성인학습자의 후진학 계속교육 만족도는 참여의사에 통계 적으로 유의하게 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 발견되었다.
  Adult learner,College later and continuing education,Satisfaction,Intention to engage,Job-related characteristics,Educational environment characteristics

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